We’re able to show merchants – in realtime – how providing customers with an experience that is specific to them, can increase customer engagement, shopability, and ultimately ROI.
We had the chance to sit down (virtually) with Yitz Fink, Enterprise Sales Director for Namogoo, to talk about what Namogoo does, how the company has been achieving the wild successes it has been notching, and from his perspective, what retailers need to be paying attention to.
Yitz, what was the genesis for Namogoo’s approach to ecommerce promotion? What did this journey begin?
Yitz Fink
It all started with customer highjacking prevention. And once we understood that capability and what an impact it has, it actually led to multiple other things as well, such as intent-based promotions.
By connecting all of the ecommerce data flows into once central hub, it allows merchants to act on all of those data points in one place in real time. By connecting all of the dots between merchant data and all of the crowdsourced data that we have from all of our other operations, there is a virtual, living library of insights that are being delivered on a “now” basis, and can be acted on in a “now” timeline.
Are there specific verticals where Namogoo has more traction, ie – more data points than others, that you bring to the conversation?
Yitz Fink
We’re pretty broad. We’re working with companies in apparel – companies like Eddie Bauer, Marks & Spencer, Dollar Shave Club, Tumi, and companies like Build and Lowes, so there is a really wide range of companies we’re working with and drawing insights from.
Talk to us about intent-based promotion tools. It sounds like they are based on the same kinds of insights as the hijacking prevention tools but that data is now being applied in a more “empowering” way.
Yitz Fink
If you think about it, if you go to a website and see that they have 20% off of everything. But it could be that you really were only waiting for a promotion on that one item and that’s what brought you to the store. But now the site has effectively discounted its entire catalog when it didn’t need to. Think about the potential revenue loss – its staggering. Or maybe 20% isn’t enough for you – what you really need is 30% off but it doesn’t make any sense to put the whole site on 30% off just so you can make one intended purchase. So how do you do that in a systematic, dynamic way?
So, our intent-based promotion tool understands at what point the customer is ready to buy and offers that discount based on the customer’s browsing habits which are based on millions and millions of data points that we have collected to generate those insights.
Based on what you see from your corner of the world and based on the aggregated data that you collect, what do you see out there that ecommerce retailers should be taking advantage of on one hand, or avoiding, on the other hand?
Yitz Fink
I think that retailers who can creatively, and proactively use the data and the insights from that data, are going to move much farther ahead, in terms of customer engagement and sales. I’m thinking of one of our clients who is a bread / restaurant / delivery company that is using our data & insights to create some very interesting and, as it turns out, very profitable promotions.
By integrating things like environmental data, we’re able to match promotions to, say, weather-related situations and offer customers items that are appropriate to them. If they are in the Midwest and a cold front is in the forecast, for instance, we can serve up content for a nice warm bowl of soup and a sandwich. As opposed to say, a customer in Florida will be a lot more inclined toward a promotion for a free iced tea with purchase. So, that’s just one example of some of the creative ways we can reach out ahead of typical promotion thinking and do something that is genuinely engaging and appropriate.
One other example – using unique coupon codes. Let’s say you’re giving your influencers a code and then they are giving that out to their followers. You can see that attribution in that situation could be a problem but also, beyond that, you’re also giving away a discount mechanism to basically anyone who can access it. That’s not “smart promotion”. So, we encourage retailers to create strategies that allow for genuinely personalized promotions for all of their customers – not just the ones they would typically segment for. And we can help them with that.
Fascinating stuff! Yitz, your offerings are a clear differentiator in the marketplace and I can definitely see why Namogoo has such a huge and broad customer base. I’m also looking forward to your upcoming product announcements so, let’s stay in touch.
Yitz Fink
Thanks Mike, it’s been a pleasure.
Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash
[…] store, you get a receipt, we had technology, they would scan the receipt, you get some really great insights, but now that’s getting much more difficult because the world is becoming much more […]
[…] store, you get a receipt, we had technology, they would scan the receipt, you get some really great insights, but now that’s getting much more difficult because the world is becoming much more […]