NICE NICE recently announced that NICE Satmetrix has been selected by Midland States Bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Midland States Bancorp MSBI, to improve customer experience.
Midland holds a diversified portfolio of banking services and financial products and supports a wide range of customers across locations, and product and service touchpoints. Its partnership with NICE is focused on building a visibly unified customer-centric culture, with a holistic Voice of the Customer (VoC) solution.
Notably, NICE Satmetrix software solutions provides real-time, dynamic, adaptive insights across the holistic customer journey from the contact center and beyond, to improve customer experience (CX) and reduce customer churn.
The solution brings the ability to filter data into meaningful actions that are tuned to the right roles, to keep customer feedback at the forefront of daily operations.
Pandemic-Led Digitalization and A Solid Partner Base Drive Growth
NICE is expected to have benefited from ongoing digital transformation and rising demand for cloud solutions amid disruptions caused by the coronavirus. Enterprises are relying on AI and machine learning-based compliance solutions to continue their operations with utmost safety.
The company has been gaining traction, off late, driven by solid demand for its AI and machine learning-based solutions, which are expanding its enterprise clientele.
Moreover, NICE’s expanding partner base is a major growth driver. It has partnered with companies like Zoom Video ZM and Infosys INFY to help organizations with automation and AI-driven financial crime management.
Further, it announced the integration of Microsoft Teams and Dynamics 365 Customer Service with NICE inContactCXone. The company also inked a number of partnerships with the likes of Orange Business Services, ConvergeOne,, Zendesk and RingCentral.
Markedly, cloud revenues grew 29.6% year over year in the second quarter. NICE expects a 2020 annual run rate of more than $800 million in cloud revenues. Moreover, for 2021, the company expects to surpass annual run rate of more than $1 billion in cloud revenues.