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Is the UX/UI Sky Really Falling?

Generative AI Google Bard Generative AI Google Bard

Generative AI is all the buzz, the rage and for a lot of professions, it’s also the source of a lot of anxiety.  It’s “DesignFriday” here so we decided to go to the source and ask Bard (Google’s answer to ChatGPT) what it thinks about the future of the UX/UI professions.  Spoiler alert – you’ll definitely be able to sleep better after reading this.

Q.  How can generative AI be applied to UX and UI disciplines to enhance user experience and reduce creative overhead?

A. Generative AI can be applied to UX and UI disciplines in a number of ways to enhance user experience and reduce creative overhead. Here are a few examples:

  • Generating wireframes and prototypes: Generative AI can be used to quickly and easily generate wireframes and prototypes of user interfaces. This can save UX designers a significant amount of time and effort, and it can also help them to explore different design options more quickly.
    • For example, the design tool Adobe XD uses generative AI to help designers create wireframes and prototypes quickly and easily. With Adobe XD, designers can simply type in a few details about the design they want to create, and the tool will automatically generate a wireframe or prototype. This can save designers a significant amount of time and effort, and it can also help them to explore different design options more quickly.
  • Personalizing user interfaces: Generative AI can be used to personalize user interfaces based on user preferences and behavior. This can help to create a more engaging and user-friendly experience for users.
    • For example, the website Netflix uses generative AI to personalize the user interface for each individual user. Netflix tracks what movies and TV shows each user watches, and it uses this information to recommend other movies and TV shows that the user might enjoy. This personalization helps to create a more engaging and user-friendly experience for Netflix users.
  • Generating content: Generative AI can be used to generate content for user interfaces, such as text, images, and videos. This can help to create more engaging and informative user interfaces.
    • For example, the website Buzzfeed uses generative AI to generate content for its website. Buzzfeed uses AI to generate quizzes, lists, and other types of content that are designed to be engaging and informative. This content helps to keep Buzzfeed users coming back for more.
  • Testing user interfaces: Generative AI can be used to test user interfaces with users. This can help to identify potential usability issues and improve the user experience.
    • For example, the design tool Framer uses generative AI to help designers test user interfaces with users. Framer allows designers to create interactive prototypes that can be tested with users. This testing helps to identify potential usability issues and improve the user experience.

Overall, generative AI has the potential to significantly improve the UX and UI design process. It can help to save time, reduce costs, and create more engaging and user-friendly experiences for users.


“You’re not going to be replaced by AI.  You’re going to be replaced by people who are leveraging AI.”

Q. Should UX and UI professionals be worried about losing their jobs to generative AI technologies?

A. Don’t sweat it, UX and UI people! Generative AI is here to help, not to replace you.

Generative AI can do a lot of the grunt work that UX and UI designers currently do, like generating wireframes and prototypes, personalizing user interfaces, and generating content. This can free up designers to focus on more creative and strategic tasks, like user research, concept development, and design iteration.

Plus, generative AI can be used to create new and innovative user experiences that would not be possible without AI. For example, it can be used to create personalized user interfaces that adapt to the user’s individual needs and preferences. It can also be used to create interactive content that engages users in new and exciting ways.

So, how can UX and UI designers make the most of generative AI? Here are a few tips:

  • Learn about generative AI and how it can be used in UX and UI design.
  • Experiment with generative AI tools and techniques.
  • Network with other UX and UI designers who are using generative AI.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest trends in generative AI.

Q. What’s the bottom line?

A. Generative AI is a total game-changer for UX and UI design.

It can do a lot of the grunt work that UX and UI designers currently do, like generating wireframes and prototypes, personalizing user interfaces, and generating content. This can free up designers to focus on more creative and strategic tasks, like user research, concept development, and design iteration.

Plus, generative AI can be used to create new and innovative user experiences that would not be possible without AI. For example, it can be used to create personalized user interfaces that adapt to the user’s individual needs and preferences. It can also be used to create interactive content that engages users in new and exciting ways.

Editor’s Note:  Yes – these are actual answers from Google’s Bard. However, they’ve been edited for “personality”.  Not to say that this is the most scintillating read ever but the original answers to our prompts were pretty dry – to say the least.  Hurray for human editors!

Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash.


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