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Calling B.S.
Because we’re a fairly new publication I spend a lot of time explaining who we are and why we exist and, after several hundred of those conversations it occurred to me that one of the real reason’s we’re here is to bring some badly needed credibility to this space.
On-Demand Brands: Why Customer-focused Innovation is Key
Just 10 years ago, we regularly did the unimaginable: We’d walk out of a building and raise our hand, relying on sheer hope that a cab would stop to pick us up. Today, frustration sets in when our personal, on-demand chauffeur doesn’t arrive at the exact GPS coordinates our app specified.
Expectations of Innovation: How to Fulfill Your Customer Mandate
With high risks and higher rewards, successful innovation requires that brands not only push processes and technology forward, but also effectively communicate features to customers.
Understanding the Cohort of Moms
The modern mom is not the stay-at-home stereotype you remember from TV – she usually has a job outside the home. She also relies on a larger, unpaid network of family members to balance everything she needs to get done.